This shopping bag is reusable, which is the perfect alternative to the plastic bags that can often be found in supermarkets. You can also fold it and put it in your backpack to use it whenever you need to carry something. This is a good way to make a good gesture for the environment.
The bag is very large (40 x 45 x 20 cm), so you can put a lot of different items such as your groceries, a package, gifts, clothes, etc.
This shopping bag is reusable, which is the perfect alternative to the plastic bags that can often be found in supermarkets. You can also fold it and put it in your backpack to use it whenever you need to carry something. This is a good way to make a good gesture for the environment.
The bag is very large (40 x 45 x 20 cm), so you can put a lot of different items such as your groceries, a package, gifts, clothes, etc.